Temporary inhabitation of a building by ALJF in no way stops its sale, neither rennovation or construction projects’ development. The terms of occupation of temporarily unused property are defined by a “loan for use” agreement between the owner and the ALJF. We promise to the owners that we will :
— Pay all costs associated to using the building (taxes, insurances, etc.)
— Manage property occupation
— Ensure security, safety and hygiene
— Live in peace and harmony with neighbors
— Maintain interior as well as exterior areas
— Return the entire usage of the given building as soon as the contract ends
Various private owners and public authorities have already trusted us: the City of Lausanne, the canton of Vaud, the Nationale Suisse insurance, the regies Bernard Nicod and Serimo, the company Marti, the property manager Publiaz, etc… and maybe you as well?